Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I'm living with a very kind host family for the first three months. I'm learning to eat sitting on the floor, properly poor tea, use a squat toilet, and of course the langauge. I'm also adapting to the long skirts. That's right. Tess in long skirts ALL THE TIME. Believe it.

We have five hours of language training per day but I'm picking it up quickly. I can't wait till I can actually communicate! Simple sentences is all I can manage at this point.

I have also met my counterpart (english teacher) who I will be working with for the first three months and she seems very nice and very experienced. I will be learning more from her than I could ever possibly give to her. Humbling. Fabulous.

More later! Write me letters!!


Isaias said...

hey tess. Just wanted to let you know that I am reading your blog and am glad to hear you are doing well.

Jim E said...

Greetings Tess,
Thanks for the update. Mom is sending grammar book and maps. We are proud of you for learning Turkmen and starting your teaching career. Will your students have a leaving exam? Do you have a prescribed syllabus you teach from?
Lots of folks ask about you and how difficult is Turkmen to learn compared to Spanish and Russian?
Love you, take care and do good.

Jim E said...

Tess, Thanks for blogging. I think Gilda is also signed up. Hope my first blog already came thru. This is a test. Love you Dad.