Monday, September 22, 2008


As many of you know, I will be leaving for the unknown wilds of Turkmenistan THIS SATURDAY. If this seems somewhat absurd to all you readers out there, let me assure you it is. Based in large part on this abusurdity, I anticipate my experience to be blog-worthy. We shall see . . .


Gabriela said...

Are you smarter than a five year old? Budapest is the capital to what European Country?

The blonde girl goes, well I thought that France was a country, isn't it? "well the answer is Hungary" the host of the show says. Hunggry??? I've heard of a country called Turkey but Hungry!!! stupid blonde

Steve said...

so, if i understand, there is about to be an amazing blog-worthy experience, but we either won't hear about it or will get the censored version due to some Peace Corps conspiracy? hmm... maybe e-mails are looking up ;).

Anonymous said...

Nice picture! Sounds like your having fun already!! We're heading out on Louie!! Ha! Keep an eye out for us!! Take care and behave!!!!